Category: Software Testing

  • How to automate scrolling feature in IOS/Android using Appium tool | Mobile Testing

    How to automate scrolling feature in Mobiles( IOS/Android)  using Appium tool for mobile testing? Initially, Appium tool developers came up with below two methods to scroll down to the particular element in Mobiles driver.scrollTo(String text); and driver.scrollToExact(String text); But however, they have deprecated this feature from Version. So with this depreciation,  automating scrolling functionality with appium…

  • Learn SoapUI testing by automating a dummy application

    Learn SoapUI testing by automating a dummy application

    Soap UI download / installation Process:- Go to Type keyword “SoapUI Download” and hit enter Click on the second link appeared in the google search Click on “Download open source” link Once the executable file download to the system, page will display with instruction to install SoapUI via downloaded exe file.

  • How to use Marionette Driver in Selenium for Firefox browser

    How to use Marionette Driver in Selenium for Firefox browser

    Marionette Driver: – We are having ChromeDriverServer and IEDriverServer executables for chrome and Internet Explorer browsers respectively, but for Firefox Browser – we didn’t have similar executable(Firefox driver was included in the selenium-server-stanalone.jar available in the downloads. The driver comes in the form of an xpi (firefox extension) which is added to the firefox profile…

  • Appium tutorial – An Introduction

    Appium tutorial – An Introduction

    Developing a mobile app is just the beginning. To make sure your app is running fine over 3 billion strong Smartphone carrying audience using all types of devices, mobile operating systems, and new and old versions of everything.  That takes a lot of mobile testing. The only way to cover it all is with automation…

  • How to Handle Multiple Frames in Selenium WebDriver

    How to Handle Multiple Frames in Selenium WebDriver

    Here is the example of multiple frames in a web page and how to interact with them. There is three overloaded frame () methods, to switch to the frame. How to decide when to use which method??? If it’s a static web page and so frame elements are, then zero-based index [frame(int index)] locating strategy…

  • Launching QAClickAcademy Blog and Looking Back at Our Early Days!

    Launching QAClickAcademy Blog and Looking Back at Our Early Days!

    We are living in exciting times and with the advent of the digital economy, there has been a widespread democratization of education. Anybody having a Computer/Mobile with an Internet connection can hook into the internet, search for knowledge, apply in their work and can change their life for better. Millions of life have changed for…